quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

Depois da tempestade vem a bonança! :)

5 months and 1/2 in Romania. The weather... snow again and cold cold cold lol
The state of mind... HAPPY! :D
I'm having the time of my life :) i managed to make good friends here and every go out its a blast :) Its so funny to see other people looking at us with that thought on their minds... "This people are crazy"
Last night was the B-Day of one of the French guys, Martin, and with no surprise we got all drunk hehehehe. One more nice folk night! I dont get tired of those songs and if it was already nice only with Dana, now with the Clem, Martin and Javi its even better and in this last one with the French friends even more funny and crazy! We had a fireman in Paris who also is a magician, a Politic sciences student who looks like a maniac hehehe, Lili, Martin's girlfriend, who also is a nice girl and crazy as hell :) i laughed a lot with her and all the others that i cant even remember their names lol

Hope more nights like this happens :) thats what makes me feel alive :D

NExt adventure... Iasi ;)

over and out

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